Antonio Brown snuck an Onlyfans model into hotel before his last game

Publish date: 2024-05-06

The saga regarding Antonio Brown continues to get more peculiar as the week goes on.

The most recent update about the much-maligned receiver is that an Onlyfans model named Ava Louise alleges that, on the night before Brown's last game against the New York Jets, he snuck her into the team hotel to have sex.

Louise said the following about the tryst with Brown:

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To support her story, she provided screenshots of text messages between her and the former All-Pro receiver.

The screenshots appear to validate Louise's claims. She also stated that she had to sneak into the hotel and into Brown's room due to the NFL's COVID protocols.

To make matters even worse, Louise recently posted an image of a positive COVID test with a caption that read "@buccaneers test your team."

What's next for Antonio Brown?

Tampa Bay Buccaneers v New York Jets

Yesterday, the former Pro Bowl receiver was officially released from the team. His next step is to have his agent inquire about other teams that may be interested in signing him.

Also yesterday, Antonio Brown released a statement through his attorney, Sean Burstyn, in which he defended himself against claims made by Buccaneers head coach Bruce Arians.

To paraphrase, Antonio Brown is saying that the Buccaneers were forcing him to play on an injured ankle. He alleged that he informed the staff that he was unable to go and Bruce Arians then informed him to "get the "F" out."

Bruce Arians had the chance to enter a rebuttal of Brown's statement. He did so during a rare Thursday press conference for the Buccaneers head coach. In his statement, Arians said the following:

"Just to clear you up on some things that happened. At no point and time during the game did he ever ask the trainer or doctor about his ankle. That's the normal protocol you go through protocols during games. I was never notified of it, so obviously, that was the disturbing thing when we were looking for him to go back into the game."

Earlier in the week, Brown provided text messages between himself and Arians in an attempt to prove that the coach knew about his injured ankle. However, Arians never denied having knowledge of the injury, but he did deny knowing the reason why Brown refused to re-enter the game.

Arians continued,

"[Brown] was very upset at halftime about who was getting targeted, got that calmed down. Players took care of that. It started again on the sideline. We called for the personnel group that he had played in the entire game. He refused to go in the game. That's when I look back and saw him basically wave off the coach. I, then, went back, approached him about what was going on. 'I ain't playin.' 'What's going on?' 'I ain't gettin the ball.' That's when I said, 'You're done. Get the F out of here and that's the end of it."

Stay tuned as this is certainly not the end of the Antonio Brown saga.

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