Exclusive: Flynn talks about his new EP "One Of Us"

Publish date: 2024-04-18

Flynn is an artist we’ve watched from the beginning of his career. This year he’s released two tracks that have blown up and seen him start to get the recognition for being a talented artist that he deserves, and now he’s further showing his growth and just who he is musically with the release of his EP “One Of Us”.

We caught up with Flynn for a chat all about “One Of US” and the inspiration behind it.

How would you describe your new EP, “One Of Us?

It’s just a really honest look into my life and what I’ve been through so far. I’ve been writing these songs over the past few years and in that time a lot has happened I guess, so I just really wanted to delve into my experiences and put it all into words.

You are from Mullingar in Ireland, which over the years has produced some phenomenal talent like Niall Horan, does it make you proud to see people from your home town doing well?

Absolutely, Its always inspiring to see people from your hometown doing so well!

Which track on the EP do you feel sums up who you are as an artist?

Probably ‘’I Don’t Want To Love You’’ because I seem to always be drawn to things that are bad for me.

If you had to pick one track off the EP to listen to for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

Thats a tough question, they’re all very personal to me so it’s difficult to pick a favourite but I guess if I had to choose one it would be ‘’Selling Me love’’ I’ve always loved this track and it puts me in a good mood any time I play it!

How do you approach the writing process, do you write from personal experience or do you find inspiration from people around you?

Both really, it all depends on how I’m feeling on the day, but usually I write from personal experience because it helps me in a way I guess.

What artists do you like listening to?

I’ve been listening to a lot of Miley Cyrus and Chris Stapleton lately

If you could collaborate with anyone who would it be?
Pharrell Williams all day!

Do you hope to tour next year?
Yeah, that’s the dream! Hopefully, the world will sort itself out soon and we can all get back to doing what we love!

Let us know what you think about One of us on @CelebMix!
