Georgia Public Notice | Georgia Press Association

Publish date: 2024-05-10
Notice Publish Date:
Thursday, March 02, 2017

Notice Content

GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA BIBB COUNTY Advertisement of Judicial In Rem Tax Foreclosure Under O.C.G.A. § 48-4-75, et seq. NOTICE RE: Tax Map/Route No. Q071-0061 Tax Map Code No. NWC21 1D Property Address: 339 Monroe Street, Macon, GA Recorded Title Vested In: Tactical Investment Group, LLC Tax Payers: Tactical Investment Group, LLC In Rem File No.: 12743-137 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land lying and being in Macon-Bibb County, Georgia, and being known and designated as a portion of Lot 2, Block 21, Northwest Commons, and fronting Monroe Street for a distance of 34.0 feet, and extending back evenly a distance of 102.0 feet. According to the present system of numbering, being known as 339 Monroe Street, Macon, Georgia. Being the same property described in a deed dated March 14, 2006, recorded in Deed Book 7022, Page 313, Bibb County, Georgia Records. Together with all rights, title, and interest running with the above-described property but not taxed under a separate tax reference number as delineated on the tax maps of the petitioner for the year(s) for which the taxes are being foreclosed. On February 14, 2017, a petition was filed in Bibb County Superior Court seeking foreclosure of the ad valorem tax liens for the years 2009 through 2016 that consist of $2,469.23 Principal tax, $1,246.27 Interest, $235.44 penalties, $217.50 fi.fa. costs, $55.00 levy fee, and $2,700.00 attorneys' fees and expenses, for a total delinquency of $6,923.44. This petition was filed by the Bibb County Tax Commissioner, 601 Mulberry Street, Macon, Georgia 31201. For further information, contact Cater C. Thompson, Jones, Cork & Miller, LLP at (478) 745-2821. For information on the court hearing date, call the Bibb County Superior Court Clerk and ask for information about Case No. 17CV66221.
