GTA RP Streamer Lyndi reacts to ban from NoPixel after RatedEpicz leaked messages showing homophobia

Publish date: 2024-05-19

After controversial GTA RP streamer, RatedEpicz leaked the DMs of his partner Lindsay "Lyndi," which had homophobic content, she has been banned from the popular server of NoPixel. The couple has been in the news for some time now after RatedEpicz was kicked out of the same server a few months ago for his alleged behavior against the LGBTQ+ members of the group.

Recently, he leaked messages between himself and his former partner Lindsay, who has been accused of being homophobic in her private conversations. The DMs also show she had been extorting her ex to keep sensitive information secret.

With NoPixel banning her, Lyndi has apologized to her fans and the larger LGBTQ+ community on her most recent Twitch stream, also mentioning how she is part of the community:

"I am sorry because I genuinely hurt people that I care about. And especially a community that I am literally a part of. That is the worst part. Is that I am part of the community and I disservice you all and let you down. And that is something I am very, very, very sorry about. Um, absolutely terrible, absolutely horrible."

The streamer added that she didn't want to appear disingenuous, saying:

"And I don't want people to think I'm being disingenuous because I'm not crying or am not upset. But, I think if I was crying or upset, people would think I am looking for sympathy. So I don't want people to think that as well."

What did Lyndi say about the LGBTQ+ community? Screenshots leaked by RatedEpicz show her being homophobic and transphobic on Discord

RatedEpicz himself has been accused by multiple people on the NoPixel server of misbehaving and harassing them. Since the allegations came forward, the founder of the server also briefly explained that the admins had unanimously voted to remove him from the server and indicated that the decision was probably permanent.

Earlier this year, his former girlfriend Megskii alleged that their relationship was abusive and accused him of being toxic towards her and other women in the gaming community.

The drama continued after RatedEpicz leaked DMs of him and Lyndi, who had allegedly been trying to extort around $7,000 per month from the controversial streamer in exchange for keeping quiet about certain things from his past. On top of that, screenshots of their conversation show that she had been using homophobic slurs, such as the f-word, while talking about other NoPixel members.

Discord messages showing Lyndi using homophobic slurs (image via RatedEpicz/Twitch)

Reddit reactions to Lyndi's clips

Redditors of r/LivestreamFail were not happy with the streamer's apology, with many saying her apology was not genuine. Here are some of the general reactions.

Lyndi has been playing GTA RP on the NoPixel server since 2019, and her main character was Violet van Housen. She also roleplayed as a police officer named Willow Heart. Both the characters have been removed from the server following the ban.

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