"I don't want to see her get sent down to NXT again"

Publish date: 2024-06-06

Former WWE writer Freddie Prinze Jr. recently spoke about Lacey Evans' new look on SmackDown this past Friday.

Evans was in a Money in the Bank qualifying bout against Zelina Vega. The Sassy Southern Belle grabbed the advantage as she stuck down Vega with the Women's Rights even before the match started. However, the LWO member bounced back and won the encounter with her signature Code Red maneuver.

On a recent episode of Wrestling with Freddie, the former writer claimed that WWE had tried many different things with Evans. He wanted the 33-year-old to succeed and do well on the main roster before the management plans to move her back to the developmental brand, NXT.

"Not sure about Lacy Evans' new look. They've tried so many times with her and I don't know why but nothing's clicked yet. I'll give it some time before we deep dive on that. I want to see it work. I don't want to see her get sent down to NXT again," Prinze Jr. said. [From 23:38 - 23:55]

Former WWE manager Dutch Mantell is also a fan of Lacey Evans

Freddie Prinze Jr. is not the only former WWE employee that wants Lacey Evans to succeed.

Former wrestler and manager Dutch Mantell also urged the company to use the star better.

"To me, she'd be easy to book because she's doing half the work before she gets there. I thought she did the greatest thing when she told, 'I did all this for you people. Then you come out here and you boo me?' So she's putting the heat on the people. Not on her opponent, not on another wrestler. She's putting the heat on the people, and that's the easiest type of heat to get and she did it well. But like I've said a thousand times, this is just a week of this year, they've got 51 weeks this year. Do something with that girl."

Mantell claimed that she was getting a lot of heat from fans for being a heel, and it should be easy to book her in feuds against top babyfaces in the company.

What did you think of Lacey Evans' new gimmick? Let us know in the comments section below.

If you use the quotes from the first half of this article, please credit Wrestling with Freddie and add a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling for the transcript.

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