Oprah Winfrey Reveals Her Boyfriend Stedman Is Quarantined Separately In Her Guest House Here

Publish date: 2024-05-12

Oprah Winfrey and her longtime lover, Stedman Graham, are both in quarantine amid the Coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic together but separately! More precisely, the way they practice social distancing amid this viral threat is by having the man live in her guest house!

In other words, they are still close to one another but far enough to keep more than the recommended distance.

But if you are wondering why they are not simply quarantined together, it’s definitely not because they needed a break from one another.

The real reason is that the TV host was sick even before the virus crisis.

She told Oprah Magazine’s digital director Arianna Davis that ‘He’s at the guest house, because you all know I had pneumonia late last year….I had just gotten off of antibiotics last week, because I had a bronchial infection.’

Oprah went on to also explain that her man did not really take the virus spreading too seriously at first and now he’s feeling the consequences.

‘I don’t see what everybody’s getting so upset about!’ That’s what Stedman was saying…and that’s why Stedman’s at the guest house!’ she stated.

She went on to explain that ‘Stedman did not arrive from Chicago until Thursday, he had been speaking in St. Louis…he’d been on planes, so Stedman is like ‘What’s the procedure for coming home?’ The procedure is…you ain’t coming and sleeping in my bed! And literally, he goes, ‘I’m not?’ And I go, ‘Have you not been paying attention to the news? Social distancing does not mean you go and sleep in the same bed with the person! When you just got off American Airlines!’’


But no worries! While he lives in the guest house, Oprah has been bringing him meals and they also have their usual ‘love chats’ outside the window!


The celeb revealed that he is not actually upset about the situation since he also wants to make sure she’s safe.
