Prayer for a loved one to come back: 50+ options to choose from

Publish date: 2024-04-28

God sent his son to reconcile man to himself because he loves us. He uses the same power of love to restore wounded relationships. Haven't you seen couples iron out issues people thought would split them forever? Make a prayer for a loved one to come back and watch God work on your case too.

Believe that God will fill your relationship with peace that surpasses human understanding. His word says he will never abandon you or put you to shame. Have faith in God that he will give you the power and wisdom to restore a broken relationship.

Prayer for a loved one to come back

Acknowledge your mistakes and ask for forgiveness or forgive those who wronged you before going into God's presence. Check out examples of how to pray for a loved one to come back below. Use them as they are, or let them guide you when praying.

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The heart feels on fire when you miss someone you love. Heartbreak hurts most when you never see it coming. Praying for a relationship with a specific person is not easy. Let your tears flow if you feel like crying while making the following prayers to God:

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How do you pray for a relationship to be restored?

A broken relationship is not difficult to mend if you let God take control of the situation. Do not plunge into depression, wondering how you can rekindle lost love. Instead, pray without seizing and wait for God's time to reconcile you to the one you love.

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It hurts when your spouse leaves home because of an argument. Trying to reason with him might worsen, especially if a third party caused the misunderstanding. Instead, get rid of hatred, malice, unforgiveness, and other negative emotions towards him, and pray for him. Below are love prayers that work.

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Prayer for someone who doesn't love you back

Do not be devastated when someone no longer loves you the way they did or has never reciprocated your love. Instead of pursuing them or making the person notice you, pray for them to love you and wait for God to make it happen.

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Bible verses to get your ex back

Instead of singing secular love songs, sing a psalm to make someone love you. A psalm is a sacred song or hymn comprising a collection of Bible verses. Believe in the words you sing because they are like a prayer for a loved one to come back. Below are Bible verses to get your ex back:

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Prayer for someone to come back to God

It hurts to see your loved ones abandon the Christian faith. Understand that not everyone shares your desire to live right with God, but you can stop them from drifting apart from God through prayers. Below are Bible verses to quote while praying for someone to come back to God:

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How do you pray for someone to come back?

You can pray, "Dear God, I ask for your assistance in this decision I am about to take. I need her back in my life because she made me happy. As I try to woo her back, please give us another chance to be together."

How do you pray for someone to come into your life?

Make a prayer for a loved one to come back using these words, "Lord, I humbly come to your presence. I desire for someone to spend my life with. Please help me meet my soul-mate. Bless me with a flourishing relationship that will lead to a happy marriage as written in Genesis 2:24 and Mark 10:9. Amen."

Will God restore a broken relationship?

We should not give up on people because God does not give up on us. If God restored us to himself, he could restore any relationship to us. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit.

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A prayer for a loved one to come back cannot work if you do not take a step of faith. Find ways to restore your broken relationship after praying. For instance, you can reach out to that person and have an honest conversation with them.

READ ALSO: Top 50 prayer points for mercy with Bible verses you should know also shared 50 prayer points for mercy with Bible verses you should know. God is the only one you need to succeed in life. He can grant you mercy and favour to accomplish your goals.

Your friends, family, colleagues, and everyone you think you can rely on may let you down someday. You need God to stand with you when all hope is lost.

