Reggie Jackson, 5-time World Series champion, tackles fan in attempt to escape rushing crowd

Publish date: 2024-05-19

Reggie Jackson, who is also called "Mr. October," is known for being a hero in the MLB playoffs and helping the New York Yankees to two World Series titles in the late 1970s. He was also a great football player who could have been an NFL star.

Over the last couple of years, a video featuring Jackson has been making its way around the internet. It shows him tackling a fan as he tried to run off the field. The fans were celebrating the Yankees' 1977 World Series victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers. In the video, Jackson looks completely determined to get off the field and to his teammates. He was not going to let anyone stop him, and, unfortunately, a fan was tackled on the way to the dugout.

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Reggie Jackson's background and MLB career

Jackson grew up in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania, outside of Philadelphia. He went to Cheltenham High School and was a four-sport athlete. He was a star on the baseball team but also played basketball, football, and track and field.

Jackson played tailback at Cheltenham High School but suffered a knee injury early in his junior season. The knee injury was severe, and doctors told Jackson he would never play football again. Jackson, however, made a fast recovery and played in the final game of his junior season.

New York Yankees v Kansas City Royals

Reggie Jackson suffered another significant injury in that game and fractured five cervical vertebrae. The damage was so severe that doctors told him that he may never walk again. Jackson spent six weeks in the hospital, recovering from the injury, and another month in a neck cast. He, again, defied expectations and not only walked but continued playing football.

"Reggie Jackson’s three home runs during game 6 of the 1977 World Series" - @baseballinpix

Reggie Jackson played so well that he received many Division I scholarship offers to top college programs. He accepted a scholarship to play football for the Arizona State Sun Devils. He was initially only on the Arizona State football team but spoke with Sun Devils' baseball coach Bobby Winkles to see if he could also play baseball. Winkles was impressed with Jackson and let him join his team.

Eventually, Jackson quit the football team and solely played baseball. In his sophomore season at Arizona State, Jackson was named First Team All-American and broke the Sun Devils' home run record.

Jackson's sophomore season was so successful that the Kansas City Athletics (now the Oakland Athletics) drafted him as the second overall pick in the 1966 MLB Draft.

Jackson's ascent to the Major Leagues was fast. He made his debut in July 1967. He made a quick impact and was named an All-Star in just his second full season in 1969.

Jackson ended up playing for the Athletics until 1975. He was named to six All-Star teams with the Athletics and was the 1973 American League MVP.

Reggie Jackson went on to play for theBaltimore Orioles, New York Yankees, and the California Angels during his 21-season career.

Reggie Jackson was a 14-time All-Star and a one-time MVP. His number has been retired by both the Athletics and the Yankees. He was also voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame on his first ballot.

Even though Reggie Jackson was a baseball player, he could have made a nice living as an NFL player.

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