Toya Wright Shares A Gorgeous Photo With Monica, Tiny Harris And Reign Rushing And Fans Are Here For

Publish date: 2024-04-20

Toya Wright has recently made fans happy with a photo that she shared with Tiny Harris, Monica and her daughter Reing Rushing. All the ladies look gorgeous, and Toya’s followers agree. Check out this pic below.

‘I love your spirit. I feel and see the sisterly love between you, guys,’ someone commented, and another follower said that Reigny is ‘Surrounded by so much class and love. 💕’

A follower posted that ‘Tiny looks so beautiful! my fav! 😍 I love you, boss lady, @majorgirl 💖’

Someone else also loved the relationship between these ladies and said ‘I love the bond they have between each other just happy to see ❤️🙌👏’

A supporter agrees and said ‘Love the friendship you three have! It’s so awesome to watch! 💚’

There was also a person who did not like that Tiny was concentrated on posing in front of the camera rather than focus on Reign: ‘Okay the photo 📷 would have been complete if Tiny was focused on Reign instead of looking cute for the camera 📷….just saying!’

Other than this, Toya just told her fans and followers how she’s working on being healthier.


First of all, she said that what matters the most is the support she’s been getting from her daughters, and secondly, she said that she’s using the same product she’s been advertising for a while, despite the backlash she received from a part of her audience.
