Where is the wand in Mayrinas Gate 3?

Publish date: 2024-05-04

The Cost of Love She’ll storm off upset, but entering Ethel’s chamber allows you to pick up a wand labeled “Bitter Divorce” and show it to Mayrina since her husband’s name is written on it.

Where is the wand to help Mayrina?

She’ll leave and go to her husband’s coffin behind the teahouse, which you can get to by teleporting through that Mushroom Circle from before. The solution to helping Mayrina is the Bitter Divorce wand you can find in the Acrid Workshop on the table.

Should I give Mayrina the wand BG3?

If players keep the wand, they get a temporary summoned minion to command in battle. Mayrina will also hate the player. If players give the wand to Mayrina, she will return to Baldur’s Gate and try to help her husband adjust to life.

How do you rescue Mayrina in Baldur’s Gate 3?

There are a couple methods to save Mayrina from the cage. You can either activate the glowing yellow Control Orb on the west side of the pit or put out the fire with a bottle of water or the “Create or Destroy Water” spell.

What is the wand of divorce Baldur’s Gate 3?

Bitter Divorce is a wand that can (sort of) raise the dead. Clumps of hair and flesh stick out from the twisted roots that make up the shaft of this wand. ‘Connor’ is scratched into the surface.

Snap the wand in two Baldur’s Gate 3 Save Mayrina Ending

What is the most powerful weapon in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The strongest longbow in the game, Gontr Mael has some of the highest damage potential of all ranged weapons. Other than being a +3 magic weapon, every hit has a chance for a free casting of Guiding Bolt, which gives martial classes an immediate advantage on their next attack in the same turn and an extra 4d6 damage.

Where is the bitter divorce wand in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Found on a stone slab in the Acrid Workshop beneath Auntie Ethel’s hut (X:-417, Y:604).

How to find Mayrina Act 3?

Players will find Mayrina inside the Riverside Teahouse, where Ethel is insisting she eat ’till she bursts. Informing her about the unfortunate death of her family in the Bog will cause her to call off the deal with Ethel, resulting in Ethel teleporting her away.

Can you save Mayrina’s husband?

If you use the wand on the grave, her husband will be raised from the dead as a zombie. You also have the option to give Mayrina the wand, allowing her to find a cure for her husband’s “predicament.” The game also tells you that she’s heading to Baldur’s Gate, so you might see her again once you reach the city.

How do you save Mayrina’s husband in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Reviving Mayrina’s husband

The solution to helping Mayrina is the Bitter Divorce wand you can find in the Acrid Workshop on the table. If you talk to Mayrina, you’ll be presented with a series of choices: Snap the wand, and Mayrina will run off crying. Done and dusted.

Should I tell Mayrina about the wand?

If players point the wand at the coffin, Conor comes back as a zombie. If players keep the wand, they get a temporary summoned minion to command in battle. Mayrina will also hate the player. If players give the wand to Mayrina, she will return to Baldur’s Gate and try to help her husband adjust to life.

How do I raise Mayrina’s husband?

Inside, you’ll find the Staff of Crones, as well as the Bitter Divorce wand, which has the name of Mayrina’s husband. Use the portal to go back outside, where you’ll see Mayrina in front of her husband’s grave. If you use the wand on the grave, her husband will be raised from the dead as a zombie.

Can you romance wyll in BG3?

Wyll is among the easiest Baldur’s Gate 3 characters to romance as it’s relatively straightforward process. To earn Wyll’s undying affection, ensure you’re performing heroic acts and good deeds. Wyll also has an aversion to monsters, which stems from the costs of his deal.

How do you help Mayrina after fight Baldur’s Gate 3?

There are a couple methods to save Mayrina from the cage. You can either activate the glowing yellow Control Orb on the west side of the pit or put out the fire with a bottle of water or the “Create or Destroy Water” spell.

How to save Mayrina without killing her?

Ethel will start the fight by lighting Mayrina’s cage on fire, so players will need to head for the control orb on the far side of the room to lower the cage and let her out before it kills her.

What happens if you let the hag have Mayrina?

You let her go when she begs for mercy, but she takes Mayrina with her, but you get a permanent +1 boost to a single stat, but you don’t get the items she drops.

How to help Mayrina after killing Ethel?

Once Auntie Ethel is defeated, the cage will lower and Mayrina will climb out. And then start yelling at you until she runs off. If you decide to put out the fire with water, Auntie Ethel will teleport Mayrina out of the cage and disguise herself as Mayrina.

Can you turn Mayrina’s husband back?

Use the portal to go back outside, where you’ll see Mayrina in front of her husband’s grave. If you use the wand on the grave, her husband will be raised from the dead as a zombie.

Should you let Astarion bite you?

It’s okay to let Astarion bite you, just consider whether you should push him off you, unless you don’t mind dying and being revived. If you let Astarion bite you, there are a few results.

How do you save Mayrina in the cage?

Ethel will start the fight by lighting Mayrina’s cage on fire, so players will need to head for the control orb on the far side of the room to lower the cage and let her out before it kills her.

Should I spare Auntie Ethel?

Helping Auntie Ethel has its upsides, but the cost of her favor makes it hard to recommend as a particularly attractive path. With other great options to walk away from the situation with better stats and a cleaner conscience, it’s best not to turn the other cheek to this particular villain.

Is there a way to save Mayrina Brothers?

Mayrina’s brothers can technically be saved by knocking them out with non-lethal attacks. However, this is somewhat glitchy and part of the dialogue states that the brothers are dead. Using non-lethal damage on the Hag’s Pawns will knock them out, but doesn’t save them.

Where is Mayrina after killing Ethel?

With the wand in hand (along with anything else not nailed down), head a little farther north to find a teleporting Mushroom Circle. That sends you back aboveground into the Putrid Bog. Just a little northwest of the other end of the circle, you’ll find Mayrina standing next to her husband’s coffin.

Can you save Magron bg3?

You can’t save Magron, but you can free her from an eternity of pain by selecting her head and letting her body die. You can speak to Lorin and convince him you’re not a threat, and if you have a way to unpetrify someone and cure illness at the same time, you can save Efrin.

What happens if you drink from the Hags well?

Drinking from the well will give you the Refreshed buff, which increases your maximum Hit Points by 10 until the next Long Rest. However, if you end up fighting the Hag, you’ll be under some debuffs that make her attacks hit harder.
